This is a tool that, from now on, every eyelash artist must have!
1. Degreases natural and artificial eyelashes (degreaser function).
2. Activates the lash surface for better adhesive performance (primer, activator function), ensures stronger adhesion.
3. Penetrates deep into the glue and hardens it from the inside by forming an elastic connection (the function of the fixator is by running it over the extended eyelashes or by dipping the glue in superbonder) – ordinary glue dries from the outer layer to the inside when exposed to moisture, i.e. an outer shell is formed, and the inside hardens for a long time and often unevenly, so the eyelashes cannot be wet for a while, it can irritate the eyes, the shedding is often very different and unpredictable.
Thanks to Superbonder, the glue is immediately evenly and smoothly stiffened (fixed) from the inside, after 30 minutes the eyelashes can be wet, the eyes are no longer irritated, and a longer, more stable application is ensured.